Wine Tasting

‘In wine there is truth’ - Pliny the Elder

  • Numbers:

    10 or more

  • Location:


  • Duration

    1-2 hours

Whether you’re a connoisseur or someone whose wine knowledge extends to knowing the difference between white and red, our wine-tasting sessions are for everyone! They’re pitched at a level that ensures that everyone can participate regardless of prior wine knowledge.  
Wine tasting is an interactive lesson on the exploration of your senses. Participants learn to identify grapes, countries and years of wine without seeing the label, therefore removing any preconceptions. 
Many of us enjoy wine casually, but wine tasting sessions, led by an expert, allow for the chance to learn something new in a social setting. As a work event, wine tasting is a good opportunity for colleagues to get to know one another and bond over their new-found knowledge. 
Suitable for groups of ten guests or more, wine tastings can be held before, during or after dinner or with a buffet or canapes