Axe Throwing

Live Covid-19 safe Event


At the current time a maximum of 5 guests


Outdoor location


1 - 2 hours

Axe throwing is pretty much exactly as it sounds, but with a sporting element involved. It is, simply put, a game that involves throwing axes at a painted wooden target – sort of like darts, but with axes. Like darts, axe throwing also has its own unique system of scoring, as well as rules surrounding how far back your feet can be from the target.

The Throwing Axe was a weapon used in Medieval Times by Foot Soldiers and occasionally knights. The Throwing Axe was hurled at the enemy, often being first swung around and over the head to obtain speed momentum and maximum penetration.

Our team will introduce you to axe throwing and explain the skills in which to hit the target (no swinging around over the head involved now!), but more simply like a football throw in to be successful in this great fun, addictive and competitive activity.

Guests will be allocated their own axe and target for the activity and will work in their own shooting space keeping a clear 2 meter distance from other participants. Instructors will give clear instructions and demonstrations from a 2 meter distance. Antiseptic wipes and hand gels will be available.